Wednesday, January 16, 2008

pada satu ari..ak trun ke kafe...ttbe ade la kwan ak ni tgur ak... dia ckp..." terer ar team korng..mng..klahkn team luar plak 2" ak dgn terpinga2 berkata..." huhu...agak la" tp ak pn xtau pe mksud dia 2... tp,lpas 2 ak trpndng la bte kampus kt meja pejbt.. rse nk bc la plak... bca2 pnye bc...smpai la last page... bru la trjwb persoalan ak td... satu page bte psal rowing mse varcity ri2...
neway..ak senyum sorng2 plak ble bc caption bwh gmbar 2.... tp...rsenye sme rowers pn tau nape....

so.. alang2 caption dh cm2.. arap2 u cpt2 la bg kte oar klo nk bg bot pn ktorng tme dgn reda...hehe... n hope all rowers can keep up the good work... make da caption bcome true!!!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

oh Rowing!

Racing Day @ Tasik Putrajaya (M8+ @ Regatta USM-UM 2006)

Racing Time @ Putrajaya Water Sport Complex

View of Empangan Batu

inside the boat 8+

Double Scull (2X)

Single Scull (1X)

Our W4+ team 2006

M4- Boat @ Uniten Invitation 2007

Our W8+ @ regatta USM-UM 2006

The Oar's Blade (B-Blade type)

what is rowing? by reffering to the wikipedia website, rowing is a sport in which athletes race against each other on river, lakes or on the ocean, depending upon the type of race and the discipline. The boats are propelled by the reaction forces on the oar blades as they are pushed against the water. above is d pic of the boat, oar and the lake of putrajaya n Empangan Batu.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


HEPI NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!

ari 2 dh enjoy berBBQ yg xmcm BBQ ( aym greng bkn bkar n ptg bkn mlm)..

so lpas ni....rjin2 la trun training!!!!! ak pn sma...^_^

sempena thun baru ni..jom kte pkat rjin2 trun training... nk wat azam bru pn xpe....